Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to stop travelling after you have kids

BY: SAMANTHA TAPP Everyday we see people break out of the mould society tries and shapes around us: go to university, get a degree, move into your first apartment, get a steady job, and start a family. More and more…

Artists are exploring humans’ potential roles in the future’s automated economy

BY: ELIJAH BASSETT As the replacement of manufacturing and other jobs by machines threatens to change the labour market beyond recognition, anxieties about the future of the economy in an age of automation are only growing. But some artists are trying…

Ancient clams have been holding the secrets of climate change for 1,000 years

BY: PHILIPPE DE JOCAS What’s the lifespan of the longest-living animal? Humans can live for over a hundred years if we receive adequate care. Other mammals, such as the bowhead whale, can live for two hundred years; reptiles like the…

The Canadian government is paying its students to travel and learn another language

BY: ELIJAH BASSETT Canada is officially bilingual, but how many of its citizens can say the same? A government program, Explore, is trying to increase that number by giving university students a $2,200 bursary (and, often, extra spending money) to…

Neuroscientists say listening to this song will reduce your anxiety by 65%

BY: SAMANTHA TAPP Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in America; they cost America more than $42 billion annually; anxiety is caused by risk factors such as genetics, brain chemistry, personality, and personal life events; but, only about…

These badass women made history in 2016 and you’ve probably never heard of them

BY: SAMANTHA TAPP 2016 was a year of progress in many different ways: we saw countries step up and make changes to battle climate change; we saw progress in the LGBT community from legalizing gay marriage in certain countries to…

These exciting freelance careers can be your escape from the gruelling 9-5 life

BY: JILL PHILLIPS Freelancing is changing the game of how people work. Rather than accepting that a typical desk job is all there is, freelancing allows you to take back control of your life and your passion. Whether you’re looking…

Building home expansions underground are growing in popularity. Are iceberg houses the future?

BY: PHILIPPE DE JOCAS They may not be capable of sinking ocean liners, but they certainly have had a titanic effect on the housing market. “iceberg houses” have received a chilly reception from neighbours as this new architectural trend continues…

This Japanese airline is planning on using old clothing to fuel their planes

BY: SAMANTHA TAPP While animal activists and environmentalists alike are still reeling from the news that Japan closed its last fur farm, Japan is working on another project that is sure to have the same positive reaction from environmentalists and…

The Adulting School is opening soon – and people are both excited and pissed off

BY: JESSICA BEUKER  I can vividly remember my first week of university residence. Well, the parts that weren’t seeped in vodka and jagger bombs anyway. Our floor had one laundry machine, which was operated by our student cards. One evening…

You can learn these 5 different things by listening to sounds while you sleep

BY: SAMANTHA TAPP Imagine how much easier life would be if we could learn while sleeping. Throw a textbook underneath your pillow and you’d ace the exam; hold onto your notes and your presentation would go flawlessly; use a cookbook…

Child marriage is still a big problem – even in the west

BY: AISHA ILYAD Each year, 15 Million girls are married before the age of 18. That is 28 every minute. One every two Seconds. As many as 7.84 million (65 per cent) of married children are female, reinforcing the fact…

This guy created a step-by-step guide to creating your own Earthship

BY: SAMANTHA TAPP Earthships, created by architect Mike Reynolds, are completely environment-friendly houses built with both natural and recycled materials that are constructed for minimal reliance on public utilities or fossil fuels. The homes are built with tires, bottles, and…

This artificial intelligence knows if you will be a criminal just from analyzing your facial features

BY: SAMANTHA TAPP Imagine a criminal system that wasn’t based upon the assumption of innocent until proven guilty, but rather innocent until a computer algorithm analyzes your face and identifies you as a law-breaker. No, this isn’t the next feature…

Students recreate Martin Shkreli’s $750 life-saving drug for $2, proving he’s the ultimate douche bag

BY: SAMANTHA TAPP A real-life Breaking Bad moment went down in Sydney Grammar high school. But, rather than ruining some lives by cooking up meth in a beaten down RV, the students were on humanity’s side as they recreated a…

Forcing him to be the Ken to your Barbie is actually ruining his mental health

BY: SAMANTHA TAPP Sexism is bad and it’s everywhere, we know this. We see it in beer commercials that somehow show more boobs than brew; we see it when women’s promiscuity is considered slutty, while mens’ is celebrated; we see…

Shane Mauss is Using Stand Up Comedy to Promote the Therapeutic Benefits of Psychedelics

BY: TIM O’NEAL Describing a psychedelic experience to someone is a lot like telling them about the dream you had last night. It’s impossible to put the visual images, profound emotions, and staggering new connections and insights into words, and…

Goodbye showbiz, hello relaxation- the world is finally getting its first retirement home for whales

BY: SAMANTHA TAPP I think there was a collective sigh of relief worldwide as SeaWorld finally gave in and ended its orca breeding program and vowed to slowly but surely halt its killer whale shows all together. Animal activists, whale…

This group of teens transformed a homeless encampment into a tiny home village

BY: QUENTIN STUCKEY A group of dedicated and altruistic teenagers has managed to build tiny, mobile homes for homeless citizens in Seattle, Washington. The teens were led by the non-profit organization, Sawhorse Revolution, with additional help from several construction, architecture,…

Hundreds of volunteers are saving lives as this city’s drug problem overwhelms the government

BY: CHARLOTTE LEFAVE Brave volunteers have set up tents in the name of the Overdose Prevention Society (OPS) in downtown Vancouver. The epidemic of drug use in the city, especially in areas of poverty, is a rapidly growing issue. These…