Sustainable tourism: How to create a positive impact while travelling

Tourism industry is flourishing now more than ever. With industries and brands expanding worldwide, and the aviation industry making it possible for us to travel around the world in the blink of an eye, the world almost seems to fit…

Archeologists are still searching in Honduras for a cursed, magical jungle city

BY: PHILIPPE DE JOCAS You can’t have a pulp adventure without a lost civilization. You might even go so far as to say that no jungle adventure is complete without stumbling on a moldering old jungle city, reclaimed by creepers,…

Six easy ways to make your dreams of environmentally friendly travel come true

According to the Sustainable Development of Tourism Program, tourism produces 5% of the world’s carbon emissions. The easy solution to offset this would be for everyone to use their vacation days while sweating away in their non-air conditioned homes, immerse themselves…

Leo DiCaprio is building an eco-island to conserve Belize’s forestry and aquatic life

BY: JESSICA BEUKER If you didn’t fall in love with Leonardo DiCaprio when he portrayed Jack Dawson in Titanic, or that time he made a powerful address at the UN summit meeting on climate change, or even when he created…