This environmentally friendly pesticide may change farming forever

BY: PHILIPPE DE JOCAS Springtime arrives once more to banish the icy hand of winter from our frosty cities, and again the Earth renews itself in preparation for another long and bountiful summer. For you and I, springtime probably means…

Robot bees could successfully pollinate crops and save our food supply

BY: JESSICA BEUKER  It’s a simple truth that humans need honeybees for survival. Without them, plants go un-pollinated and eventually over a third of our food sources will deplete and we’ll starve. It might sound grim, but it’s time to…

Why most of our world’s food crops are becoming extinct

BY: LAURA ROJAS  A disturbing study conducted by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) back in 1999 revealed that since the 1900s, 75% of agricultural crops have been lost, spiking a decline in plant variety and putting at risk…

The Beekeeper Stands Between Humans And Extinction (Documentary)

BY: THE PLAID ZEBRA There is a tiny insect that labours so tirelessly that our very lives depend on their work. According to the British Beekeepers Association a single bee colony pollinates 4,000 m² of fruit trees and 70 different…