This university will pay young couples hundreds of dollars to have sex on camera

BY: SAMANTHA TAPP Strapped for cash? In a healthy, sexual relationship? Feeling a little frisky? Coventry University, located in Coventry, England, is offering up £400 ($491 US or $644 Cdn) for young couples aged 18-25 to have sex on tape.…

New STI-detecting condom that changes colour might sound like a better idea than it really is

BY: JESSICA BEUKER A new condom is stirring up colourful conversations about sexually transmitted infections and sexual health. The S.T. EYE is an innovative concept that works by changing colour if an STI is detected. Currently, the idea is nothing…

The death of consent in porn (condoms in porn California)

By GARY SEWARD INT. BEDROOM – NIGHT A well-lit room. Candles are on the surface of an IKEA style headboard. A woman, Jessica, in her twenties, black with the body of a gymnast is laying spread eagle on a plush…