Beijing is replacing all of its taxis with electric cars to fight pollution

BY: ELIJAH BASSETT In China’s capital city, Beijing, tens of thousands of taxi drivers spend countless hours on the road every day, while the city – and country – faces a pollution crisis that has been seriously harmful to both the…

Canadians are selling fresh bottled air to China – no it’s not a joke

BY: JESSICA BEUKER A Canadian company has started bottling Rocky Mountain air and selling it to Chinese consumers. The idea started out as a joke, but since then has turned into a hot commodity as the first batch of 500…

Beijing sees crystal blue skies after banning 2.5 million cars to reduce smog

BY: JESSICA BEUKER On September 3 the city of Beijing was unrecognizable. In what is notoriously known for being one of the smoggiest cities in the world, the Chinese capital traded in its grey skies for a vibrant, picture-perfect blue.…