Pro-anorexia websites need to be criminalized

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  At a time when hate speech and propaganda are igniting civil and world conflict, filtering what we read online is of paramount importance. Currently, there are underground websites that promote eating disorders, and they should be criminalized.…

A Recovering Bulimic Explores the Growing Prevalence of Eating Disorders in the United Arab Emirates

  BY: Victoria Heath Sitting on the dorm room floor, its cheap carpeting scratching my knees, I held a cold, aluminum trashcan in between my hands. I asked myself that weighted question, “How did I get here?” My personal lapse…

Toddlers in Tiaras are wearing padded bras and developing anorexia

BY: AYA TSINTZIRAS A small town has made a big decision that has even bigger implications: the municipal council of Chivilcoy, a city with a population of 60,000 located in the Buenos Aires area, has decided to ban beauty pageants,…