BY: GLORIA KOPP There are so many reasons why a person may want to broaden their mind. In fact, it’s harder to think of a reason why not to try and open your mind to explore new things and constantly…
Music education is more than an aid to academics, it’s essential to the human experience
BY: CAROLINE ROLF It is no secret that public music education needs a revamp. I have been thinking this since my first music class in public elementary school – each student in my grade three classroom was handed a shiny…
How scholarly credibility is holding us back and stifling our imaginations
BY: MITCH CONSKY A few nights ago I was having a philosophical conversation with my roommates. No, we weren’t all baked out of our minds. A few of us were completely sober. Like many philosophical conversations go, the arguments spiraled…
Turns out anxiety-ridden over-worriers have a much higher capacity for creativity and imagination
BY: ROB HOFFMAN Overthinking, neurotic, worry-obsessed and anxious—according to a new study, these are the faces of creativity. This is good news for people who identify with an exhaustively over-worried personality, offering a fair trade between creative intellect and happiness.…