How otters are making a comeback from the brink of extinction

Everyone has a favourite animal. What animal we choose to idolize says a lot about ourselves – some people choose based on their innate cuteness, some pick a favorite animal based on their intelligence or unsual traits, while still others…

The Neotropical Primate Conservation Peru is saving monkeys and their habitats

BY RHIANN MOORE If you’re looking for an animal charity to support, look no further. The Neotropical Primate Conservation in Peru is dedicated to protecting monkeys and the forests they inhabit from hunters. They do this through land protection, research,…

Animal conservation just got an upgrade thanks to Vulcan’s new mapping system

BY: PHILIPPE DE JOCAS  Lewa Wildlife Conservancy is, in many ways, the archetypical South African safari experience. Dry, flat lands shimmer in the equatorial heat and spindly acacias rise like stately islands of green above a gently waving sea of…