Chicago also has a notoriously bad education system. It’s also a city plagued by gang violence. It’s a vicious circle that the Windy City desperately needs to break out of. Seventy nine percent of Chicago 8th graders are not proficient in reading. In 2013, low test-scores caused the Chicago board of education to shut down 50 schools, disproportionately affecting schools with a majority of black student bodies and black teaching staff. Up until now, Chicago has taken a snake-eating-its-own-tail-style approach to fixing its massive education problem.
Thats why Chicago’s new approach to tackling illiteracy is so encouraging. In mid-October, Chicago held Chicago Ideas Week, a seven-day celebration of innovation and local business. As part of the ideas week, Chicago Transit Authority launched the ‘Books on the L’ program. In the United States, the overall literacy rate is 99%— well within the top percentile of the world in terms of education. However, many states often get concealed within the national average.