Those flashes of genius you have can be trained to happen more frequently

BY: SWIKAR OLI Despite the popular assumption, creativity is not a capricious muse, continually teasing then eluding writers and artists, revealing only a brief fragment of itself in flight before disappearing, often before we can assimilate the shades of their essence.…

Jacob is 17 years old, autistic, and on his way to getting a PhD in theoretical physics

BY: JACK M. At the age of two, Jacob Barnett was diagnosed with severe autism, and his parents were told by a small army of educators and doctors that he would never be a functioning member of society, let alone…

Are you easily distracted? Congrats—according to a recent study you’re a creative genius

BY: ROB HOFFMAN Psychologists at Northwestern University recently published a study in Neuropsychologia—an accredited journal that closely documents advancements in behavioural and cognitive neuroscience—indicating that highly creative people are easily distracted by their surroundings. The study was based on nearly…